What I’ve been working on recently: worldWideWait.

I apologize for the lack of updates – I’ve been busy, rather so, away from the Internet.. and haven’t had much time to work on my playtoys.

However, I’ve got a new little tool I’ve been coding. Based upon a semi-portable SQL backend (yes, my infamous shim), it will work with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. Being written in PHP, it is a highly portable program, and will run on virtually any web capable system. It will track employee times, status, and their whereabouts. Useful for secretaries who wonder where the techs are, I fathom. I don’t have any specific reason for creating this application – other than I think it might be a nice way to waste a weekend. I’m sure others will find it useful, as well!

[Edit: Slightly updated layout, and a bit more coherency. Yes, the interface will evolve.]