Thankfully, I’ve finally managed a few short days from work to spend with my friends, and family.
The entire story is long, and boring, so I’ll minimize the impact with bullet points: Most of these are boring factoids, rather than anything providing amusement. Sorry.
- My flight was delayed nearly two hours – after a three hour layover – due to damage to the plane.
- ...which we ended up flying out on, anyway. Thanks for thinking about my safety, America West.
- It is possible to snap over 100 photos in two days, without even trying.
- Pocatello, ID has a Denny’s with delicious, edible food.
- ...Billings, MT does not share this trait
- Montana Highways once again have speed limits: They’re usually 75mph, unless otherwise posted.
- The desert lands of NV, ID, MT, and WY look exactly the same. Only the mountains change.
- NV gasoline prices are nearly 25% higher than that of MT, WY, and ID.
- Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper has virtually no flavor. However, it goes deliciously with ‘French Burnt Peanuts’.
- It is possible to get 40mpg, despite driving against the wind, uphill, in a downpour.
- ...however, the wipers are not capable of keeping up if you are averaging over 50mph.
- Once you have Country (Chicken) Fried Steak in the upper Northwest, it’s impossible to enjoy it anywhere else, again. IT’S JUST THAT GOOD.
- It is possible to fit three cans of cola in the trunk of a ‘98 Escort ZX2. The ability to hold anything else is purely coincidental, and unintended.
- Yellowstone Park is slowly growing back from the hellacious fire of 1988. The tiny trees are poking out from the burnt embers. It’s beautiful.