My laptop has been feeling like it was ‘slowing down,’ quite progressively over the last two weeks.
Of course, it’s been rather warm, and I thought it might have been due to the thermal sensors, but, no, the CPU fan really wasn’t running that hot, and this model laptop has no HD dedicated fan.
So, I decide to check my hard disk. Almost 50% fragmentation. Ow. Now that’s a feat. Of course, only halfway through did the whole system start to ‘stutter’ on a few specific files.
Abort the optimization, and set for chkdsk. Reboot. Wait three hours. Over 74 dead clusters, and several files lost (thankfully, none belonging to Windows).
So, I let chkdsk fix it. Now what:
Oh. Good. It’s still broken.
Anyone have a spare 2.5” SATA HD that’s at least 80GB they’d like to relinquish control of?
Pretty please?