12V Automotive Battery Group Size Cheatsheet

Most people probably won’t have a use for this, but some of us do.

For instance- were you aware that the 34 and 78 batteries are so close in specification and size that other than the terminals- they’re safely exchangeable? What’s this mean? Well, in my case, I saved almost $100 by putting group 78 batteries with post adapters into a car that came with group 34 stock.

This spreadsheet ONLY lists compatible sizes, NOT storage! This is very important information to have, so you don’t over-or-underpower your vehicle. I’ve intentionally omitted this information, since every manufacturer tends to be slightly different, and you can buy “Up-sized” batteries, just like you can french fries. I’m leaving the onus ON YOU to know what you’re doing.

My spreadsheet for common 12v sizes is available via Google Docs. This, of course, is free to share and adapt to your needs. If you find any errors, or have additions, please feel free to contact me.