If you can't afford something, improvise!

Finding myself working on automobiles nearly as often as I do computers- I know that the proper tools are always the best to have- but sometimes you just need to improvise, often with something you’ve made yourself.

On the left is a SAAB style fuel pump retaining screw removal device, which is over $30 (excluding shipping):

To the right, a plumber would consider this a 4” drain trap (minus plug), which is common to virtually all drain lines. To “computer” people, it’s probably just a pipe, or, for the creative, a wire caddy to keep things nice and neat.

For myself, it’s also a fuel pump screw removal tool. I then ran a long screwdriver through two portholes I made in the top, and use my weight for leverage. I didn’t bother drawing up a schematic- I just eyeballed it.

Net cost? $7, including the electricity.