Project Honeypot: Not IPv6 ready; HTTP:Bl implementation

It’s been over a decade since I registered my first MX donation to Project HoneyPot- and they’ve noticed that I removed a link because the last few times I tried to register changes, the site was not working.

Well, I’ve figured it out. Their token system for activation is not IPv6 compatible. It’s a pity, but it wasn’t all that difficult to figure out after digging through the code (it is nothing changeable on the client side- and modifying the code will make the client fail it’s internal heuristics, making it trivially more difficult to diagnose).

On the sideline, I’ve been interested in their Http:BL system, which is similar to DNS blocklists, but is designated for HTTP use. This enables a user to decide if they want to block a visitor’s traffic due to it being a harvester/spammer/et al..

I’ll probably dig into existing implementations, and build a TextPattern extension for it (Yep, I’m still using TXP over a decade later, too- after giving up my homegrown CMS that I built with no real design ideology in 2003.)