Piping hot and steaming, fresh from the BBC:

“Hydrogen sulphide, a toxic gas that smells of rotten eggs, occurs naturally in swamps, springs and volcanoes.

But in mice, it was found to slow down heart rate and breathing and decrease body temperature, while keeping a normal blood pressure.”

... no wonder I spend so much time in the bathroom.

I’ll admit it. I’ll openly admit it. Here are a few reasons how, and why. I’ll explain how this has affected my thoughts, and my actions in the italics:

Any movie made in the last 10 years, unless it’s a comedy, dark comedy, or incredibly obscure – I probably haven’t seen it. I just don’t enjoy paying $10 to watch something barfed out of Hollywood with a trite resolution to an hour and a half whine (or laugh track) fest.

Most recently theatre watched movie: Strangers with Candy, July 2006. Previous: Sphere, 1998, before that: Mrs Doubtfire, 1993.

I love the Internet as a tool; I still see it as such. Social tapestries are wonderous things, but I have my own home page. I have no need to use the internet to “find friends in my extended network.” Jeez, that’s so obnoxious, it’s annoying. If I want to meet people, I’d rather meet them socially – it’s a much easier, and faster way to weed out the freaks.

Every time I see a picture that says “Thanks for the ADD.”, I instantly mentally append, ”..let’s ride bikes!”

I gave up WebCrawler for Google in ‘98. I’ve been sitting there, ever since, even if they have dicked me out of about $100, and two years of promoting them. Fine.

I remember spending hours on Usenet, browsing hardcopy books, and a few of the primitive, proprietary searching systems on Sun, SGI, and the like. Now, I can usually find my answer in 10 minutes or less – not hours of indexing. However, it may not be as thorough, and many of these tools are no longer available.

Progress is good. Faster is good. Although, it comes at the cost of clarity, if not anonymity, at times.

I used to write things fairly fast, and loose while prototyping, then clean things up as I went along, adding as I saw my needs. Now, I find it works best if I brainstorm thoroughly, devise a plan, if not a topographical view of what I’m working on, what I need, and what I’d like. This has increased not only my productivity, but enabled me to write things with an more extendable format; I don’t find myself staring down the proverbial headlights.

Inspiration is great, but write down your thoughts and devise a plan, before executing.

I’ve discovered that so many trite adages actually make sense in the proper context – however, I’m not old enough to shout them out just to sound smart.. I’ll leave that up to someone else.

Google’s “Dear John” Letter (Click for much more legable copy)

Bogus!  Denied.  By Google!?

After running my blog for over five years, and supporting the fees of my open sourced software through AdSense since 2003, they’ve killed my account with no rhyme or reason.

I asked for clarification, and was told “Our system is proprietary, we’re not going to tell you as it would tell you too much how our software works.” No shit.

I appealed by stating my case, that I have used AdSense for years, and I’ve never had an issue. However, two weeks from PayOut (which only took two fucking years with my amazing $0.08 AdSense clickthrough rate), they terminate me.

Appealed for further information, and, as you see above, got none, but they think I’m a low down nasty baddy-badbad who’s trying to steal their wonderful bounty of $0.08/click. Like I can live on that.

Well, Google, fine. AdEngage and AdBrite pay much better, and don’t treat their resources this way.

Just in case you’ve missed it, FoxyTunes 2.0 is out:

The new FoxyTunes is mad sexy!

This FireFox and Thunderbird/etc plugin enables you to control your media player from a small little section of the status panel you mostly ignored anyhow. No more fumbling back and forth between applications with Alt-Tab, or mousing. Finally, Feng Shui for the desktop.